Windborne • Engberg and partners
Chartered Surveyors – Your Guarantee for the
Professional Development and Management of your Property
We offer property investors and developers a full professional service on the Scandinavian property marketplace.
The Scandinavian property market has for many years been an interesting target for international property investors and developers. This interest is increasing. Each of the various markets (Sweden, Norway, Finland and Denmark) possesses its own opportunities, challenges and is governed by its own unique market forces, legislation, norms, rules and regulations.
We possess over 30 years of experience from these marketplaces and offer our services to investors and developers who are either entering the market or who are already established in the Region.
We provide a comprehensive Chartered Surveying expertise embracing the acquisition and disposal of properties, securing of planning permission, the execution of valuations and surveys, the securing and development of land, renegotiation of leases etc.
If you are interested in discussing your involvement on the Scandinavian market please contact us.
With Kind Regards,
Robert Windborne-Brown MSc, FRICS
Chartered Surveyor
Stefan Engberg MSc, MRICS
Chartered Surveyor
Windborne • Engberg and Partners, Chartered Surveyors,
Villagatan 13 A, 1st floor, 114 32 Stockholm, Phone: 0046-8-611 27 00 and 0046-708 283 448
Copyright © 2024 Fristående Affärsutveckling AB
We are a long-established professional property practice. Our consultants all possess Masters degrees in property economics and management and are Members of The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors.
We can support clients in all matters related to the acquisition, disposal and management of commercial, industrial and residential property.
We have over 30 year’s experience from the Scandinavian property sector and provide professional advice to corporations, institutions and private investors.
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